In Monte Alegre, there are many children who are at risk of malnutrition. Most of them come from single parent families who are struggling financially. Through the organization Puertas Abiertas, we help these children and in fact families, to get better nutrition, skills training and help with education.
For $60 a month, books are bought and uniforms are provided for school. The parents, or parent (usually the mother) and any other sibling(s) are provided food and nutrition along with cooking classes to help stretch their food. The mothers also get to attend classes to learn a skill, like tortilla making or sewing. And most importantly, they are discipled.
Your contribution really makes a difference in the lives of several people. We require a 1 year commitment to be able to get the child and their family through 1 year that will help good habits to take root.
During your 1 year commitment, you will have the chance to correspond with the child you sponsor via letters and pictures. Because we are a small organization, we can hand deliver your letter directly to the child and provide translation. You will also have the opportunity to provide a gift for special occasions like birthdays and Christmas.
To receive information about children who need a sponsor, please contact us at
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from YOU!